Logline Lab for Fiction & Creative Nonfiction Authors


The webinar has been cancelled due to technical issues.  It will be offered at a later date (sooner than later) ... so definitely sign up to reserve a spot.

The new event will not be a livestream, but will be an exclusive pre-recorded webinar with all the same instruction and volunteer logline demos with writers breaking out their loglines. 

By reserving your spot you will be notified about this exclusive event when it becomes available.

So sorry for the change ... I'm blaming AI.



The Logline Machine — a proven method for logline design.


Live demos of writers working with Jeff real-time building their loglines.


Leave with a proven tool, logline worksheets, examples, and more.


This is a live, in-person story development lab designed to teach you an essential tool for pitching your book and getting past the publishing gatekeepers—IF YOU TELL STORIES THEN YOU NEED THIS WEBINAR!

Loglines are essential for query letters and pitching editors/agents.

But most writes are clueless how to pitch—let alone how to write a query that doesn't end up in the round file.

In this webinar you will:
  • Learn a foolproof machine for building powerful query pitches.
  • Learn the 7 mistakes writers make when writing loglines.
  • Learn the difference between a logline, a premise line, and a book blurb.
  • Learn a repeatable and proven strategy for writing, optimizing, and delivering tight, engaging loglines.
  • Learn how to get noticed by the publishing industry gatekeepers and stay off the slush pile.
Master a marketing and sales tool that every writer needs to know, but few ever add to their writer's toolbox.

Sign Up For the Webinar Today

LIMITED SEATING—so reserve your spot while the clock is ticking.


50% Complete

Just enter in your name and email to secure your spot. It's 100% FREE.